Lockups and Acronym Marks:
A brand is only as strong as the symbols that represent it. To establish a unified Girl Scouts voice, we’ll now use an optimized and streamlined set of marks developed by GSUSA. Please reference this Guide for Usage of Girl Scout Marks when using these logos. These logos are primarily intended for flyers and internal service unit communications. If you have need to incorporate these on merchandise (patches, shirts, ect.) or external facing collateral assets please reach out to us at marcom@girlscoutsoc.org for assistance in navigating GSUSA licensing requirements.
Web Lockups
GSOC Lockup Color (RGB .png)
GSOC Lockup White (RGB .png)
GSOC Lockup Black (RGB .png)
Print Lockups
GSOC Lockup Color (CMYK .png)
GSOC Lockup Color (CMYK .jpg)
GSOC Acronyms
GSOC Acronym (RGB Vertical .png)
GSOC Acronym (RGB Horizontal .png)
Event and Activity Flyer Templates:
Linked below are several Girl Scout Branded Word Templates available for service unit or troop use. Please ensure these templates are primarily used for events or activities with an audience that is primarily Girl Scout Members and their families. For consistency and up to date brand messaging please continue to work with the Membership Team for externally facing recruitment collateral. Email GSOC MarCom at marcom@girlscoutsoc.org if for program pillar-based or other uniquely branded templates.
GSOC Branded Flyers (Open in Desktop Application)
GSOC Branded Flyer Template 1 (Word .doc)
GSOC Branded Flyer Template 2 (Word .doc)
GSOC Branded Flyer Template 3 (Word .doc)
Brand Story:
A brand story outlines exactly what an organization does, for whom, and what makes it stand out. Because Girl Scouts themselves (and not the organization) are, and always should be, at the center of everything we do, the statement that follows speaks directly to them.
And much like our brand purpose to champion girl ambition, the statement isn’t meant to be used verbatim but as top-of-mind inspiration when you write and communicate about Girl Scouts. Revisit it frequently to remind yourself who we serve, how we serve them, and why.
Please reference our Writing Tips for Service Unit Volunteers for some quick pointers and refreshers to guide you in writing about Girl Scouts.