Girl Scouts Essentials for New Leaders

The following learning courses are required for all troop leaders:
Girl Scout Essentials for New Leaders: This is a one-time course that all new leaders and leaders taking over a troop in Orange County will need to take. This course covers specific policies, standards, best practices, and guidelines Girl Scouts of Orange County requires each to follow.
Level Essentials: Girl Scouts offers six levels of program for girls in grades K-12. Troop Leaders are required to take a Level Essential course for every Girl Scout level related to their troop, whether forming a new troop for the first-time or bridging to the next level.
Mandated Reporter: Any person who volunteers more than 16 hours in a month or 32 hours in a year with a youth-serving organization is required to complete Mandated Reporter course in the state of California. If you have completed Mandated Reporter course with another organization, please submit your certificate on gslearn for credit. gsLearn can be accessed through MyGS.
* These courses MUST be completed prior to meeting with girls.
Register now for learning courses
If you have any questions, please contact customercare@girlscoutsoc.org.