Are in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade
Are a registered Girl Scout Cadette
Have completed a Cadette Journey
Find an issue you care about.
Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo.
Explore your community and think of how that issue affects your community.
Choose a Silver Award project that can lead to lasting change.
Silver Award Project Proposal and GSOC Silver Award Intent Form (submit at least 30 days prior to the planned project start date)
Make a plan with the Silver Award Checklist and put it into motion tracking your hours and project funds using the Time Log and Budget Worksheet.
Silver Award Final Report and GSOC Silver Award Report Form (submit after completion)
When you support Girl Scouts earning their Silver Award, you’ll help them see their own power and be by their side as they make a lasting change in their community. Download the Adult Guide for Earning the Silver Award to get started today.
Download (PDF) Parent/Caregiver Guide | Troop Leader Guide | Project Advisor Guide